Thursday, 18 September 2008

Faux OOP

It may look like OOP and be written in an OOP language and it may have some of the characteristics of OOP such as classes and inheritance but it may, in fact, be Faux OOP.

Fortunately Faux OOP is easy to spot as it is actually just procedural code organized into objects. Tell tale signs of Faux OOP are a separation of data and behaviour with anemic data 'objects' manipulated by stateless methods (or procedures) in other classes. Faux OOP is often littered with classes named with agent nouns (*Manager, *Helper etc.) or *Service which tend to be stateless (and often singletons or static classes) which hold common variables (better known as global variables).  The rest of the code is built from data classes which consist mainly of getters and setters and no, or rudimentary, behaviour which are poked and prodded by their *Manager counterparts. The end result is a program consisting of tasks which act upon data structures and use basic program flow (ifs, switches, loops) to execute the tasks in order.

Faux OOP is an anti-pattern promoted by some of the biggest players in the industry: Microsoft's N-Tier architecture, popular with VB and early .NET promotes Faux OOP by prescribing a Data layer, Business Layer and Presentation layer. The presentation layer binds to data objects provided by the data layer which are then validated and actioned via the business layer. The SOA craze has also helped promote the procedural style where people have reduced their systems to procedural service calls.

Though be careful, you may think you have Faux OOP but really you've got Faux Procedural.

Faux Procedural
It may look like procedural because the program has methods and data structures but if you look closer it may be sequential code organized into methods.

Tell tale signs of Faux Procedural are long methods with no distinct separation into common tasks. These long methods often contain significant repetition and the heavy use of temporary variables. Common tasks are not abstracted into smaller, reusable methods and common groups of variables have not been abstracted into data structures.

Fortunately, with heavy refactoring, Faux Procedural can be refactored into Faux OOP and Faux OOP can be refactored into Real OOP(tm).

Friday, 12 September 2008

Agent nouns are code smells

Class names ending in agent nouns are a code smell. An agent noun is:
any noun that denotes someone or something carrying out the verb's action, typically words ending in -er or -or
Classes with agent nouns are, the majority of the time, a sign of procedural thinking - especially agent nouns such as "manager", "helper" etc.   As the definition says it denotes the class is carrying out the verbs action.   This is contrary to good OOP where the verbs belong to the nouns themselves; classes which represent things are responsible for their own doings, not someone else. This reflects the real world where I am a Person able to do Programmer tasks, the verbs of programming are executed by me not some CodeProgrammer object which sits next to my desk.

Agent nouns are useful for describing roles which makes them good for interface names. A SpellChecker interface on a Dictionary class gives clear definition of the role (to check spelling) and allows the Dictionary to implement the verbs (check_spelling "word"), likewise a SynonymProvider sits well on a Thesaurus class.

So beware agent nouns; they are a language trick which fools you into believing that a class is a first class concept when really it's stealing someone's verb.

About Me

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West Malling, Kent, United Kingdom
I am a ThoughtWorker and general Memeologist living in the UK. I have worked in IT since 2000 on many projects from public facing websites in media and e-commerce to rich-client banking applications and corporate intranets. I am passionate and committed to making IT a better world.